
@ m-cosmo

December 2nd, I went to mocosmo with Linnea. We went to there by car.
We didn't have to pay money. It was great. But, there were no people there. We were alone. It was lonely so we went to Mcdonaldo and drank coca cola. And we went Donky she bought LOSER socks. we went back to mocosmo and watched video, then many drunker came mocosmo so we left there. Sometimes, strange people was dancing with hand. It was electoronica music club. We met Ketamin at the bar. He is not funny, but he knows a lot of music. He is very smart. Linnea drank marib coca cola but she said it was a cola. She is very dranker. She needed more drink. On the way to home, we was in alcohole checked. And we sleep.


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