
Book Review 8 'Metal Mouth'

I read ‘Metal Mouth’ this time. A boy, Brad is not the best-looking kid in his class, he looks like bad kid, but he isn’t care about it. He thinks his life is okay. There is a girl, Emma Green who has braces on her mouth, and he feels sorry for her. One day his mother gets call from dentist and hears that he has to put on braces on his teeth, and she tells that thing to him. Then, he gets the old kind of braces the same kind as Emma Green. He isn’t happy with this and he feels sorry for there are two people have a face of metal in his class. One day when he walks home from school the lightning hit in front of him, and start weird things from next day that all of metal things sticks to his teeth for example, can of juice, fork, or magnet. One day, at school, he is drinking water from water supply and his teeth sticks again and somebody say hey to him and he turns around then it is Emma Green who has braces too. She helps him from his problem. When he is trying to say thanks, their braces stick. Then they become friend now.

I don't like this story.


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