
Book Review 6 'Between two world'

Today, I read ‘Between two worlds’. This story is about woman who lives and works in the Australia. She is a nurse and her boss is flying doctor so they go everywhere in her village, boss’s plane. Her phone is ringing from her patient then, they leave their office. After arrive to patient home, there are a little baby boy and he is ill very badly. And she asks to a boy’s mother that he has to go to big hospital in Sydney. But she has five children in her house she says she can’t. So, nurse is going to take him to Sydney. Next morning she arrives in Sydney with a baby for the first time. Two nurses waiting for them at airport. She goes to hospital with them and they take a boy into room. She spends all day at the hospital. The doctor invites her for dinner at his house. Then his wife cooks dinner for her. A few days later, a boy is getting better so they are going to home. But, doctor wants her in his hospital. She tries think of it next all day. But she chooses to go her home town. She doesn’t accept an unexpected job for in the big city. Then, they leave Sydney by her boss’s plane. I liked the part of her boss was waiting her with his plane when she goes back to home.


2 件のコメント:

yohei さんのコメント...

Writing book review is so hard and difficult, but it will improve your English skill, so please keep writing!

mangi madang さんのコメント...

Hello Nayu.

If you were this nurse, which you would choose? Big hospital in Sydney or small hospital in country side?
