
Book Review 4 'How Elephants lost their Wings'

Today I read ‘How Elephants lost their wings’.
This story is about two elephants that have wings on their back and two gods who lives in the sky. This book’s picture was so cute; Elephant’s color is pink and purple. And there are many cute houses, animals, trees, or stars. The elephants can fly everywhere whatever they want or they can walk on the ground. They can go everywhere. But, those elephants are very mischief, they smashed trees, they landed on houses. So one day, two gods invite two elephants for dinner and they have a plan that is tricks in foods or drink. But they don’t know about it so they are very happy to eat and drink. And they sleep in god’s house. Then gods takes wings from elephant’s back. Next morning, those elephant are very surprise when they are going to fly, because they can not. They lost their wings. The gods gives wings to the peacocks and the banana trees. The elephants get angry but they never flow again. I like this story and I thought maybe elephants have wings long times ago. It is interesting.


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